Without intending to do so, have you ever been swept up into the time vortex of social media? Twenty minutes, thirty minutes, even an hour later you are scrolling through pictures and posts of people you don’t even know - that time slipping away so fast.

Life in general moves fast. We need the Lord to help us make the most of our opportunities, understand our seasons, and live with purpose. Most of us would agree that we want to make sure we don’t just end up anywhere, but we end up where we intended to. 1 Corinthians 9:26, says it this way, “I run with purpose in every step.”  In other words, I am not moving with uncertainty or without a definite aim. With intentionality, I chose my direction and live my life.

 Living with purpose involves understanding the season that you’re in. Drawing spiritual significance from Genesis 8:22 “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” and Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: . . .  a time to plant and a time to harvest what has been planted.” we can conclude that what we sow matters. For the harvest we reap, reveals the seed we have planted.

What kind of harvest do you want? Then sow accordingly. We need to stop planting weeds and thistles in our lives and expect it to transform into life giving substance. For example, if we sow disengagement, distance, and disrespect into our marriage we cannot expect to reap the fruits of connection and intimacy.

 Another truth we can glean from these passages is that we can’t reap fruit out of season, but we can always invest in our next harvest. Some of us wait around for a blessing or we look around and think other people are so blessed in their lives, their relationships, their job, and their close walk with Jesus. However, I would like to suggest: what you may think is favor on someone’s life, could simply be his or her harvest. You’re seeing the fruit as a result of investment and intentional living.

Your future is in the seed! It’s time to live on purpose. Sow with intentionality and reap by design. Live a life that resounds, “I did it on purpose!”   

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